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Password History and Password History Count



The System Administrator can switch on the Use Password History system settings for the password history checking to work on. Note that this setting is the pre-requisite to the Password History Count.

Setting Password in User/Add Search screen or Changing Password in Enterprise Right-hand Menu both check the password history.

Password History Count specifies the number of previous unique passwords saved for every User ID and compares it with the  intended new password. The specified count value in system settings, is the number of consecutive unique passwords allowed before it can be reused when the Users change their passwords.

Based on the count, if there is a match with the previous passwords, or with the current password, it will then reject the entered new password.

Screen Explanation

A validation message, as displayed above, will be displayed once the entered proposed password matches the previous password; the User can reuse the previous password if it already surpass the specified history count.



Old Password

The formerly used password to login the Enterprise system.

New Password

The intended password to replace the old one.

Confirm Password Should be entered exactly the same as the intended password. 

Examples of Use

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