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Project Specific



Project-specific Lookups configuration screen provides the setup for each Project available in the Enterprise system.

Screen Explanation

 Field/Button Description
Add (  +  ) buttonTo add a new Project Specific Lookup or Lookup Values, select the + button and enter the necessary values in the corresponding columns. 
Edit ( pen icon)Click the pen icon to edit a record. 
Save button Click the Save button to save any changes or a new record. 
Cancel ( x ) button For any change that you want to cancel, select the x button.
IDID is system generated that displays the order of Global Lookup record. 


Sets the order in which the Project Lookup option will appear. Seq. must be unique as well.


The unique code assigned to the Discipline option.

Description Project Lookups description. 
 Edit Values
IDID is a system-generated that displays the order of values record. 


Sets the order in which the Global Lookup values option will appear. Seq. must be unique as well.
Project Project assignment of Lookup values.

The unique code assigned to the Project Lookup Values option. 


The description of the Lookup Values option.

Code (Culture 1)        

The code displayed when the User logs in using language culture 1

Description   (Culture 1)

The description displayed when the User logs in using language culture 1

Code (Culture 2)

The code  displayed when the User logs in using language culture 2

Description   (Culture 2)

The description displayed when the User logs in using language culture 2

Examples of Use

<insert examples of use here>

Related Topics


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