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Register Dashboard



Register Dashboard focus on displaying information in a graphical format related to the actual Register and its corresponding Documents.


Even NON-IsSystem Administrator can set up a Register Dashboard Screen Explanation. Users with access to those configured Register Portlets can view them by selecting in the Registers drop-down.

Screen Explanation

Sample configured Portlets for Drawings Register 

Sample Configured Portlets for RFI Register



Project Filter

Filters the Portlet by Project.


Register drop-down selection - display only the active Registers.

Plus Icon/ Portlet SettingsScreen for Portlet configuration.

Portlet Settings




Drop-down selection of Portlet names.


The Portlet title - by default it displays the Portlet name but it can be edited/renamed.

Chart TypeThe drop-down list chart type on how the Portlet is to be displayed - there is already a default value as indicated in the Portlet selection; however, it can be changed.
RowThe row where the Portlet is to be located.

The column where the selected Portlet is to be located.

Note - the row and column can be manually changed by dragging the Portlet to the desired location.

Portlet selection

Drop-down selection of  Portlets.

Chart Type

The drop-down list of chart type. 

Examples of Use

Sample display of Configured Register Dashboard.

Displaying the configured Registers that the logged-in User has access to.

Sample drill-down of records.

The record is redirected to Master Inquiry screen. 

Related Topics

Master Inquiry

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